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Externalising the Problem

The technique of externalizing the problem was used in this practice to break from the problem story and separate the person from the story. The problem becomes separate from the person rather than a defining factor. This practice included recognizing verbal labels students often place on themselves and those that others use to identity them. The poems on the right are examples of externalizing the problem. These new narratives, created by Antonio and Ricardo, disrupt and challenge their problem stories and labels such as, juvenile delinquent and drug addict. 



I made a mistake I’m not a mistake

Si volvería a nacer, lo volvería hacer

Porque esta vida se trata de aprender

Lo echo echo esta

Y no hay vuelta para atrás

Solo queda seguir para adelante y don’t stop

La vida es como el boxeo

Te tira golpes y hay que esquivar

Y si te tumba te vuelves a levanter

(Antonio, 27 July, 2017)

My Mind

Fear I release you

I release you

I will not

let you

control my mind

take over my life

with drugs or with lies

or with hatred

have rights

I now release you

But not just

release you

but demand you

to Leave

I now allow myself

to control my own mind

not with lies but

with rhymes

this is my mind 

my life and my time

to shine bright

like a new dime that I

claim to be mine

just like my mind

and my life.

(Ricardo, 15 June, 2017)

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